Donnerstag, 17. Juli 2014

Review: Bend it like Beckham

Hello Lovelies!

Today i have another Review for you,
about the book Bend it like Beckham by Narinder Dhami.

● Genre 

● Rating 
5 / 5 ★

● Info 
My Copy: Klett English Edition, Paperback
Pages: 103 
Costs: 8,99 €

● Content 

Jesminder Bahmra, called Jess for short, lives in Southall, London, a part of the town where many families of Indian origin reside. Her parents want her to be a nice, conventional Indian girl. They hope that she will go to a law school, learn to cook traditional Indian dishes and finally get married to a nice young Indian man. But Jess has other plans. She wants to play football like her hero, David Beckham. When she gets talent-spotted by Jules, she grabs the chance to join the Hounslow Harriers, the local woman's team. Now she just has to keep it a secret from her family, which proves to be not exactly easy.

● My Opinion 

I thought it would surely be a really bad book first, because we read it in school. And what you're reading in school can't be good.
But i was wrong. ;)
It's a super fast read, and the English was no problem for me because in my copy every difficult word was explained. 

Nearly since page 30 i started reading more than the one chapter we had to read, but read as far as possible while classes. The Story was so interesting and i really wanted to know how it was going on with Jess and the others.

Of course the story around Jesminder has a Happy End, what was clear since the very beginning of the book (and in general), but it was nevertheless a very sweet ending for a great book in which you follow a strong girl fighting for her dreams and doesn't let herself distract by her family that is against that.

I can just recommend it! :) You really finish it in one day.

I hope you liked this short review. :)

See you!

♥ booksaremypassion. Okay? ♥



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